Social Security:
Protecting Your Investment

We take fraud seriously and so should you

A Message from Social Security

One of our biggest and most important responsibilities to you, the American public, is protecting your investment while continuing to provide world-class service. Preventing and combatting Social Security fraud is something we take very seriously...

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Prevent and Combat Social Security Fraud

Social Security has zero tolerance for fraud. While we cannot prevent all fraud schemes any more than we can stop all crime in our communities, Social Security aggressively investigates and prosecutes those who commit fraud.

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Scam Awareness

Scam artists will go to great lengths to trick you out of your personal information or money. By educating yourself and knowing how to identify and report various schemes, you can stay several steps ahead of these thieves.

Stay Vigilant

Report Fraud

Do you suspect someone of committing fraud, waste, or abuse against Social Security? SSA’s OIG Fraud Hotline takes reports of alleged fraud, waste, or abuse.

Submit A Report

Materials You Can Use to Help Spread the Word

The latest resource information is now available to help you communicate with the public, your members, and other organizations about Social Security's efforts preventing, investigating, and prosecuting fraud against the American taxpayer and the importance of reporting Social Security fraud.

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